The overall goal of the project is to contribute to building the resilience and enhance the livelihood of the rural populations by rebuilding the food system during and after the shocks of the COVID-19 pandemic and reduce rural poverty. It will address the immediate impact of COVID-19 on rural people by supporting their urgent food needs and invest in medium and long-term agricultural and rural development.
AESP has three components:
Component1: Ensure food and nutritional security and build resilient livelihoods. The project will provide financial and technical support, as agricultural inputs based on climate-smart and agro-ecological technologies (organic fertilizer, biopesticide, improved seeds, water, fingerlings, chicks, etc.)
Component2: Enhance access to sustainable financial services and markets. This component will support the target beneficiaries enhance their market opportunities. It will strengthen their linkages with the market, put in place marketplace and storage facilities.
Component3: Project management and coordination. Using a light Project Coordination Unit (PCU), the AESP will be under the supervision of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) that will work with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER), the Ministry of Animal and Water Resources, the Ministry of Rice Promotion and the Ministry of Environment. IFAD and the Government will carry out joint supervision missions.