Fish Value Chain Development Programme (FIVAC) goal is to improve food security, nutrition and reduce poverty by promoting better and sustainable production of marine and inland fish, and effective marketing of this increased production. The Development Objective is to improve the livelihood and resilience of beneficiaries and their communities by developing climate resilient VCs by the use of solar energy and low energy consumption equipment and nutrition-sensitive VCs.
FIVAC has three components:
Component1: Develop sustainable fisheries system. Fish production will be increased sustainably for local producers in coastal and inland zones, through provision of appropriate gear, equipment and improved transport systems, plus support for improved effective fisheries resources management.
Component2: Develop post-harvest and marketing systems. This component will enhance sale of fish from marine producers in main local and export markets, and fish from inland dams to be distributed and sold in rural inland communities, thus enhancing local nutrition.
Component3: Strengthen policy, institutional and Programme implementation capacity. This component will strengthen the programme management bodies’ capacity at national and Zoba levels to accomplish the implementation in a timely and transparent manner in accordance with IFAD guidelines.