The Grant for Regional Programme for the Integration of Agricultural Markets (PRIMA Grant) will complement the PRIMA project in Togo and Benin. It aims to strengthen the engagement of regional lending operations in regional policy processes and knowledge management, especially in key themes for decision-making (e.g. study on commercial transactions and barriers to free trade).
PRIMA has two operational components:
Component 1: Market integration and rural entrepreneurship. It aims to enhance marketing agricultural production by (i) opening up rehabilitated production areas to the markets, (ii) ensuring long-term stakeholders involvement in the management and maintenance of public economic infrastructures, (iii) strengthening the entrepreneurial capacities of youth, women and farmer organizations, and (iv) promoting agricultural product flows within the sub regional and cross-border trade corridors.
Component 2: Transformation of family farming adapted to climate change. It aims to achieve (i) sustainable management of natural resources, rainfed crops and small livestock; (ii) development and sustainable management of irrigated crops; (iii) improved family nutrition security and support for women’s integration.