Inclusive Value Chain Development Project (PRODEFI) aims to improve the incomes, food security, and nutrition of poor rural people, particularly women and young people, in the project area. Its objective is to include poor rural people, including women and young people, in profitable and resilient value chains. To achieve this, it will develop viable and inclusive partnerships for the benefit of the different actors in the value chains, especially of poor rural vulnerable producers.
PRODEFI has three main components:
Component 1: Revitalization of value chains and development of pro-poor public-private-producer partnerships. It aims at reinforcing and scaling up activities of value chain working groups and partnerships to support value chain development, defending the interests of poor producers. This component also promotes a better match between supply and demand and facilitates access to markets through structural improvements.
Component 2: Development and promotion of production models. It aims at supporting competitive production models to respond to market demand, making available training and advisory services associated with these production models, and, within the framework of these activities, promoting sustainable management techniques for natural resources, as well as facilitating the use of solar energy.
Component 3: Coordination, monitoring and evaluation, and knowledge management.