Joint Programme for the Sahel in Response to the Challenges of Covid-19, Conflict and Climate Change (SD3C-SEN) aims to assist smallholders, particularly women and young smallholders living in border areas, to consolidate their livelihoods. It will help to diminish the constraints that exacerbate conflicts associated with anthropogenic impacts on natural resources and difficulties in gaining access to productive resources. It will also improve the institutional capacity of the G5 Sahel in the area of inclusive social and political dialogue for peace and security by promoting engagement of producers’ organizations.
SD3C-SEN has three main components:
Component 1: Increased productivity and production. Its expected outcomes include: production and productivity in the crop farming, forestry, livestock and fishery sectors will be boosted by climate-resilient practices and technologies in combination with the sustainable management of water and land resources.
Component 2: Economic integration. Its expected outcomes is that national and regional economic integration will be facilitated.
Component 3: Policy dialogue, coordination and management. It takes a regional approach to the delivery of greater institutional support for the programme’s implementation.