Rural Livelihoods Resilience Programme (RLRP)’s development objective is to sustainably increase productivity, incomes and nutrition security and enhance resilience of rural smallholder families in Somalia. It aims to address the challenges underlying the fragility of the agricultural sector in Somalia, e.g. vulnerability to climate change, perpetuating severe water scarcity, violent conflicts leading to displacement of farmers and inadequate access to food, poor access to rural and agricultural production infrastructure and services, limited access to skills training.
RLRP has three main components:
Component 1: Support to Community Resilience. Its expected outcomes are: Strengthened and inclusive communities with enhanced social cohesion so that are able to define their livelihood development pathways and manage conflict.
Component 2: Support to Smallholder Livelihoods Enhancement. Its expected outcomes are: increased production and productivity of priority crops and animals for resilience, dietary diversity and food security; and improved incomes.
Component 3: Programme Coordination and Capacity Building. Its expected outcomes is an efficiently and effectively managed programme with the integration of gender, youth, environment, climate change, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), knowledge management and communication (KMC) considerations in all aspects of the programme.