Rural Youth Vocational Training, Employment and Entrepreneurship Support Project (FIER II) aims to continue to contribute to wealth creation and poverty reduction for Mali’s rural youth, addressing youth unemployment through an integrated range of activities from focused vocational training to insertion into value chains. FIER II will also include institutional capacity for youth economic and infrastructure development for supply chain projects run by rural youths.
FIER II has three main components:
Component 1: Improving pro-youth enabling and institutional environments. It will produce two main outputs for rural youth: (1) institutional capacity for their economic insertion is strengthened, and (2) organizational and infrastructure arrangements are inclusive of youth and lead to economies of scale.
Component 2: Promoting youth entrepreneurship and job creation. It aims to support the whole cycle of youth’ professional projects by helping them to: (1) identify and support their entrepreneurial trajectories, (2) access both non-financial and financial services in a sequenced manner and including proper monitoring of their business, and (3) access key productive assets such as land, equipment, and inputs.
Component 3: Project management and coordination. It will be dedicated to management and coordination of FIER II, and all activities related to monitoring and evaluation and knowledge management.