SNRLP’s goal is to increase the food security, incomes and resilience of pastoralists, agropastoralists and smallholders engaging in joint natural resource-related activities. The objective is to increase production, secure access to natural resources for vulnerable users and improve the sustainability of natural resource-related livelihoods, by scaling up community-based natural resource governance practices, technologies and business models.
SNRLP has three components:
Component1: Upscaling of community based natural resources management practices, technologies and businesses. This component will support Community Development Committees (CDCs) and networks or clusters of CDCs in strengthening their natural resources (NR) governance and management capacities as well as investing in rehabilitation, adoption of new technologies and the development of small businesses.
Component2: Improving the institutional framework for upscaling community based NR management (NRM). This component will support state and federal government institutions in improving the enabling environment for institutionalizing and up-scaling proven NR governance and management models improving the status of the NRs, and securing access and benefits to the poorer communities.
Component3: Programme Coordination. A lean Project Coordination unit (PCU) will be established in one of the project regions to provide leadership and oversight of implementation activities. The field state level coordination and implementation activities will be conducted by State Coordination Units (SCU).