Sindh Coastal Resilience Project (SCRP)

The SCRP goal is to reduce poverty and malnutrition and improve climate resilience among rural poor households, incorporating a gender-sensitive, youth-focused, nutrition-sensitive and climate change-responsive approach. Project Development Objective (PDO)is to promote inclusive and resilient livelihoods for target farming and fishing communities and disadvantaged groups. Project target groups include smallholder farmers (up to 16 acres […]
Economic Transformation Initiative-Gilgit Baltistan (ETI-GB)

The ETI-GB programme aims to improve agricultural incomes and employment for at least 100,000 rural households in Gilgit-Baltistan, contributing to broader goals of poverty reduction, food security, and economic growth. It seeks to modernize agriculture, promote high-value crops, and develop value chains for apricots and potatoes, while improving irrigation systems and farm-to-market infrastructure. The initiative […]
Climate Resilient and inclusive Water Infrastructure for rural Smallholders in Thanh Hoa and Nghe An provinces (CRWIS)

The Climate Resilient and inclusive Water Infrastructure for rural Smallholders (CRWIS) will contribute to strengthening the climate resilience of water-insecure rural communities in Thanh Hoa and Nghe An provinces for their sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development.
Climate Adaptive Irrigation and Sustainable Agriculture for Resilience (CAISAR)

Climate Adaptive Irrigation and Sustainable Agriculture for Resilience (CAISAR) aims to increase resilience and adaptive capacity of smallholder farmers and rural communities in four provinces of Cambodia located in the Lower Tonle Sap basin. It is expected to significantly contribute towards achieving climate change adaptation policy objectives outlined in the NDC and the individual climate […]
Agriculture for Nutrition (AFN II)

The Agriculture for Nutrition project has the objective of enabling 28,000 vulnerable households to improve their food and nutrition security by 2030.
Agriculture Services Programme for an Inclusive Rural Economy and Agricultural Trade (ASPIRE-AT)

The Agriculture Services Programme for an Inclusive Rural Economy and Agricultural Trade (ASPIRE-AT) project aims for smallholder farmers and rural workers to benefit from inclusive and sustainable agriculture sector growth based on exports and domestic markets.