Sustainable Agricultural Development Project (SADEP)

The Sustainable Agricultural Development Project (SADEP) seeks to ‘contribute to enduring peace and reduced poverty’ in South Sudan. SADEP’s development objective is to ‘enhance resilience, and food security for target communities’. The seven-year project, with a budget of US$ 40.8 million will support 18,700 households (112 000 beneficiaries). The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security […]

Rwanda Dairy Development Project – Phase 2 (RDDP-2)

IFAD and the Government of Rwanda have agreed to consolidate and upscale Rwanda Dairy Development Project’s (RDDP) achievements to design a second phase within the framework of COSOP 2019-2024. Taking advantage of the lessons learned, and in line with the priorities defined with the Government to reduce poverty in rural areas, the Rwanda Dairy Development […]

Fish Value Chain Development Programme (FIVAC)

Fish Value Chain Development Programme (FIVAC) Goal is to improve food security, nutrition and reduce poverty by promoting better and sustainable production of marine and inland fish, and effective marketing of this increased production. The Development Objective is to improve the livelihood and resilience of beneficiaries and their communities by developing climate resilient VCs by […]

Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture Project (AFAPII)

Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture Project (AFAPII) goal is to ‘contribute to improved household income, food and nutrition security through sustainable and climate resilient fisheries and aquaculture’. AFAP has successfully demonstrated that small-scale inland fisheries can significantly contribute to better rural livelihoods through increased incomes and improved food and nutrition security. Based on AFAP’s experience, Government […]

Sustainable Agricultural Production Programme – Phase 2 (SAPP II)

Sustainable Agricultural Production Programme – Phase 2 (SAPP II) aims to contribute towards wealth creation, and improve food and nutrition security among the rural population of Malawi. The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to: “Commercialise agriculture production and enhance the resilience and productivity of smallholder farming systems of rural men, women and youth in selected […]

Financial Inclusion and Cluster Development Project (FINCLUDE)

Financial Inclusion and Cluster Development Project (FINCLUDE) aims to improve prosperity and resilience of Swazi smallholders and micro-entrepreneurs through increasingly profitable and resilient links to markets and appropriate financial services. Its developmentobjective is to increase returns from sustainable farm and non-farm enterprise for rural people, including poor and youth, through efficient public and private sector investment. […]

Integrated Natural Resources Management Project (INReMP)

Natural Resources Management Project (NRMP) will focus on greening and commercialization of nature-based VCs and, the promotion of regenerative agriculture and climate-smart solutions that build the adaptive and mitigation capacities of farmers and value chain players. It will be a scaling-up of the successful approaches under existing IFAD projects in Kenya, with a stronger emphasis […]

Artisanal Fisheries Resilience Development Project (PROPEIXE)

Artisanal Fisheries Resilience Development Project (AFRDP) aims to improve the resilience and incomes and livelihoods of poor households involved in artisanal fisheries in the selected growth poles. Its development objective is expected to increase the returns from fish sales for artisanal fishers and small market operators on a sustainable basis.

Climate Smart Smallholder Dairy Transformation Project (C-SDTP)

Climate Smart Smallholder Dairy Transformation Project (C-SDTP) aims to contribute to the transformation of the dairy value chain into an inclusive, climate smart, and competitive dairy sector, to improve rural and urban livelihoods, food safety and nutrition. Its development objective is to improve productivity, climate resilience and adaptation of smallholder dairy producers and their participation […]

Programme to Strengthen Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Economic Integration of Rural Youth (PROGRES)

The Programme for Strengthening Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Economic Integration of Rural Youth (PROGRES) aims to contribute to poverty reduction and food system transformation in rural communities. The project’s logic is to have a set of interconnected activities to provide young women and men with capabilities for sustainable enterprise development in the agribusiness environment; ensure a […]