Market Gardening Development Support Project (PADMAR)

The overall project goal is to help sustainably improve food and nutrition security and reduce rural poverty in the project area. The development objective is to sustainably boost the income of market gardeners, while strengthening their resilience to the effects of climate change.
Agricultural Development and Market Access Support Project (PADAAM)

The project's general objective is to reduce rural poverty in the project intervention area by including stakeholders, both women and men, in diversified and profitable value chains. The project's development objective is to sustainably increase the food and nutrition security, as well as the income, of smallholder farmers, particularly women and young adults.
Joint Programme for the Sahel in Response to the Challenges of Covid-19, Conflict and Climate Change(SD3C-SEN)

The aim of the programme is to assist smallholders, particularly women and young smallholders living in border areas, to consolidate their livelihoods. It will help to diminish the constraints that exacerbate conflicts associated with anthropogenic impacts on natural resources and difficulties in gaining access to productive resources. The programme will also improve the institutional capacity […]
Rural Youth Agripreneur Support Project (AGRI-JEUNES)

The project aims to include youth in family farms and profitable ventures to create income and sustainable jobs in agro-sylvo-pastoral and fishery value chains. It will benefit 150,000 rural young people, with 45,000 (50% female) integrated or receiving support to start a sustainable activity. Upon completion, 25,000 enterprises will be created/strengthened and will provide 35,000 […]
Tree Crops Extension Project II (TCEP-II)

The overall development goal of the project is “to improve the livelihoods and climate change resilience of rural households in Lofa County". The development objective is to improve the incomes and climate change resilience of smallholder cocoa producers in the county. The project is designed to benefit about 15,000 households of which 10,000 households will […]
Smallholder Agriculture Transformation and Agribusiness Revitalization Project (STAR-P)

The project is a five-year activity with the goal of improved livelihoods and food security for smallholder farmers in Liberia. The project development objective is to increase agricultural productivity and commercialization of smallholder farmers for selected value chains in selected counties of Liberia. To reach this objective, the project aims to facilitate private sector investment […]
Rural Youth Vocational Training, Employment and Entrepreneurship Support Project (FIER II)

The Rural Youth Vocational Training, Employment and Entrepreneurship Support Project (FIER 2) in Mali will continue to contribute to wealth creation and poverty reduction for Mali’s rural youth, addressing youth unemployment through an integrated range of activities from focused vocational training to insertion into value chains FIER 2 will also include institutional capacity for youth […]
Joint Programme for the Sahel in Response to the Challenges of COVID-19, Conflict and Climate Change(SD3C-MRT)

The aim of the programme is to assist smallholders, particularly women and young smallholders living in border areas, to consolidate their livelihoods. The programme will help to diminish the constraints that exacerbate conflicts associated with anthropogenic impacts on natural resources and difficulties in gaining access to productive resources.
Inclusive Value Chain Development Project (PRODEFI)

The Inclusive Value Chain Development Project improves the incomes, food, and nutritional security of poor rural people, particularly women and young people, in the project area. Its objective is to include poor rural people, including women and young people, in profitable and resilient value chains.